Saturday 29 October 2016


1.   A continuous variable can never be measured with perfect finances because of certain habit and practices, method of measurements etc.
2.   Measurements are usually recorded to the nearest units i.e. inch, pound, k.g etc.
3.   They are therefore seldom exact, mostly they are approximate, “the difference between the measured value and the true value” however small it may be is called the error of measurements. e.g. if a student’s weight is recorded as 60 kg (correct the nearest k.g) is true weight infect lies between 59.5 kg and 60.5 kg. These there is the difference between the measured value and the true value.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Kinds of Constant

Kinds of Constant
1.               Arbitrary constants   غیر مطلق مقدار             
2.               Absolute constants   مطلق مقدار                 
A constant is called arbitrary constant if it has fixed value in a particular values in different problems.
Denoted:  a, b, c…….
These are the quantities which have the same value in all problems.
Examples:  1,2,3,4 are known as absolute constant.
ایسی مقداریں جو ایک ہی سوال کے سوال اپنی قیمت نہیں بدلتیں البتہ مختلف سوالات کے دوران مختلف قیمتیں اختیار کر سکتی ہیں۔
ایسی مقداریں جو کسی حالت میں بھی اپنی قیمت نہ بدلیں مثلاً 15 ، -4/5، -1/2
1.               Variable X,Y,…. Are also called “Unknown quantities”
2.               Constant a,b,c…. are also called “known quantities”


A measureable quantity which can assume one and only one value is known as constant.
A quantity which does not change in a problem is called constant.
1.               Value of g = 9.8m / sec2
2.               Value of  or 3.1416
3.               Value of e = 2.7183
A constant is usually denoted by first letters of alphabets A,B,C,D etc.

Variable: Kinds of Variables:

“A characteristic which changes from one individual to another is called a variable”.

Kinds of Variables:
1.               Discrete variable
2.               Continuous variable
3.               Quantitative variable
4.               Quantitative variable
1.               Discrete variable
2.               Continuous variable
A variable that can assumed only specified values between a set of a values that is the values are taken by jumps, is called discrete variables.
A discrete variable takes on values which are integers or whole numbers”
1.    Number of pages in a book.
2.    Number of rooms in a house.
3.    Price
4.    Income
5.    Saving
6.    Consumption
7.   Number of children in family can be 0,1,2… but cannot be 2.5 or 3.84
“A variable that can assume any value either fractional or integral between two specified limits is called continuous variables”.
1.         Heights and weights are students.
2.         Speed of a car or jumps.
3.         Temperature.
4.         Rain fall.
5.         Weight of a person.
6.         Height of a plant.
Quantitative variable
Qualitative variable
“A characteristics whose change is expressed numerically is called quantitative variable”
Heights, weights, age , income etc.

“A non-numerical characteristic which vary in quality is called qualitative variable or attribute”.
The data determined from a qualitative variable are called qualitative data.
Education, poverty, sex, beauty


“In statistics, numerical measure of some condition is called an observation.”
The work of statistics may be called statistical work. The statistical work starts with a set of observations. The observations may be the wages of workers in factories, the number of accidents per day on the roads and so on.
Thus we start with observations.
 Observations are the take off point for statistical work.