Monday 24 October 2016

Types of Statistics
Descriptive Statistics

Inferential Statistics
Descriptive statistics that branch of statistics which deals with concepts and methods concerned with summarization and description of the important aspects of numerical data.
This area of study consists of the condensation of data, their graphical display and computation of the few numerical quantities that provides information about the centre spread of the observations.
1.A Statistician records Population growth of Punjab.
2.Pakistan Railway issue figures about the number of accidents and the number of deaths for the year 1990-91.
3.A Statistician reports the number students appeared in an examination and the number of students passed.
4.A business man makes use of descriptive statistics to present their annual account and reports.

Inferential statistics deals with procedure for making inferences about the characteristic of the knowledge drive from only a part of the data (known as a sample) this area (branch, types) includes the estimation of Population Parameters and testing of Statistical hypothesis. This branch of statistics is based on Probability theory because the inference cannot be absolutely certain.
1.   A Statistician wants to study the relationship between the cigarette smoking and the heart diseases.
2.   A statistician studies whether an increase in traffic density, increase the accident rate.
3.   A statistician wants to study the utility of coaching on the success of the students in CSS Examination.


2.   Plural sense. (Narrow sense / Statistical data)
In its plural sense the word “statistics” means numerical facts collected in any field of study by using a statistical method.
In other words, “Statistics” means the numerical statement of facts which are systematically collected with some definite purpose. These facts are based upon observations, experiments or measurements. e.g. simple figures such as 5,10,15,20,25,30 do not show any statistics , but  5,10,15,20,25,30 marks obtained by six students in an examination out of the total 50 marks from a statistics.
Some definition of Statistics as statistical data are ;
i)                   The word statistics used in the plural refer to a collection of numerical facts.
ii)                By statistics we mean quantitative data affected to a marked extent by multiplicity of cause.

3.   Technical sense (Plural of statistics)
Thirdly the word Statistics ins used as the Plural of the word Statistic, which means a numerical value, calculated from few sample observations (sample data)
It means any numerical value which calculated from sample data. It is called statistic. e.g.  , S etc are statistic.
If we select 10 students at random from a class of 100 and measure their height and find the average height, then this average height will be statistic.


Statistics in the Present Time:
In present age, the statistics is regarded as the most important tool to makes certain decisions. There is hardly any field of activity, where statistics is not applied. Statistics helps us to from suitable policies and use than the other fields. Thus the increasing demand and decreasing cost of statistical give way to the growth of statistics.

Meaning of Statistics
Today statistics is the scientific study of handling quantitative information. It embodies-methodology of collection, classification, description, analyzing and interpretation of numerical data obtain through the experiment. So, Now a day the word “Statistics” is used in three different senses.
1.                 Singular sense. (Statistical Method)
2.                 Plural sense. (Narrow sense / Statistical data)
3.                  Technical sense (Plural of statistics)
1.   Singular sense. (Statistical Method)
In its singular sense, the word “Statistics” means the science of statistics which deals with statistical methods. In other words, statistics is a science in which we study as to how a numerical data is
a)                Collected.
b)                Presented.
c)                 Interpreted.
Here different statistical methods are applied before drawing any results.
i)                   Sampling.
ii)                Classification.
iii)              Measurement of averages.
iv)              Measurement of variability.
v)                Index number.
This definition is clear and concise. The data are collected to study a particular problem. The collected data in mass may be converted in the form of diagrams, graphs etc. according to this definition, there are four stages.
i)                   Collection of data.
ii)                Presentation of data.
iii)              Analysis of data.
iv)              Interpretation of data.
Collection of data:
The first step of an investigation is the collection of data. Careful collection is needed, because further analysis is based on this.
Presentation of data:
The collected data are to be presented in tabular or diagrammatic or graphic form. The data presented in a systematic order will facilitate further analysis.
Analysis of data:
After the presentation of data, the next step is to analyses the presented data. Analysis includes condensation, summarization, conclusion etc. through the means of measures of central tendencies, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, correlation, regression.
Interpret the data:
Figures do not speak for themselves. The duty of the statistician is not complete with more collection and analysis of data. But valid conclusions must be drawn on the basis of the analysis. A high degree of skill and experience is necessary for the interpretation.
Correct interpretation leads valid conclusion.
Seligman’s defines, “Statistic is the science which deals with the methods of collecting, classifying presenting, composing and interpreting numerical data collected to throw light on any sphere of enquiry.”


Introduction to Statistics
The Latin
The Italian
The German
The English
History of the word STATISTICS
1.The word “STATISTICS” which comes from the Latin word “Status” or the Italian word “Statista” or the German word “Statistik” these words mean “a Political State”.
1۔ شماریات لاطینی لفظ  سٹیٹس (status)  یا طالوی لفظ سٹیسٹا (statista)   یا جرمن لفظ سیسٹک (statistic)  سے اخذ کیا گیا ہے۔ معلوم ہو تا ہے مندرجہ بالا الفاظ کا اپنی زبان میں مطلب "سیاسی ریاست" ہے۔
2.The word statist is found in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (1602) , Act 5, Section 2 and Milton’s Paradise Regained (1671), which is used in the sense of a person who is well – versed in state matters, helping high state officers and framing Governments Policies.
سٹیٹسٹ کا لفظ شکسپیئر کے ڈرامے ہملٹ hamlet  اور ملٹن کی فردوس باز گشت  paradise regained  میں ایسے شخص کے لیے استعمال کئے گئے ہیں جو امور مملکت میں مہارت رکھتا ہے یوں وہ ملکی معاملات اور حکومت کی پالیسیوں کی تشکیل کرتا تھا۔
3.W.Hooper in 1770 used the word “Statistics” in his translation of “Elements of Universal “Erudition” a well known book of the ancient times which was written by Baron B.F.Bielfeld. One of its chapter is entitled “Statistics” and contains the definition of the subject as, “the science that teaches us what is political arrangement of all the modern stats of known word.”
3۔ شماریات کا لفظ سب سے پہلے بی ایف وان بیلفلڈ  کی  مشہور کتاب "ایلمنٹس کف یو نیورسل ایرو ڈیشن elements of universal erudition  میں استعمال کیا گیا ۔ اس کتاب میں شماریات سے مراد ایسا علم ہے جو ہمیں تمام دنیا کی معلوم شدہ ریاستوں کے سیاسی نظم و نسق سکھاتا ہے "
4.Also use this word “Statistics” the German professor Gottfried Archen wall in 1749, which mean political science”.
4۔ اسی طرح 1749 میں جرمن پروفیسر گوٹ فرائڈ آرچن وال نے "سیاسی ریاست" کیلئے استعمال کیا تھا۔
5.Mr.E.A.W.Zimmermann, a professor of Natural Philosophy, in 1787 at Brunswick defines the word “Statistics” in the preface to his book, “A political survey of the present state of Europe as that branch of political knowledge, which has for its object the actual and relative power arising from their natural advantages, the industry and civilization of their inhabitants and the wisdom of their Government”.
5۔ ضمیر مان جو طبعی فلسفے کے پروفیسر تھے انہوں نے 1787 میں لفظ statistics  کی تعریف اپنی کتاب "پولیٹیکل سروے آف پریذینٹ سٹیٹ آف یورپ کی موجودو ریاست کا سیاسی جائزہ میں مندرجہ زیل طریقے سے کی۔۔ سیاسی علم کا وہ شعبہ جس کا مقصد مختلف جدید ریاستوں کی حقیقی طاقت (قدرتی وسائل ، صنعت و حرفت ، تیذیبو تمدن اور حکومت کے اصول ) معلوم کرنا ہے"
6.During the 18th century the word “Statistics” become more and more popular and began to be used the sense of numerical statements relating to state the Royal statistical society was founded in England in 1834.
6۔ اٹھارویں صدی کے دوران شماریات کا لفظ عام ہو گیا اور اسے حکومت کے ایسے بیانات کے لئے استعمال کیا جانے لگا جو اعداد شمار سے متعلقہ تھے۔ 1834 میں رائل سٹیٹسٹیکل سوسائٹی انگلینڈ میں قائم ہو ئی۔
7.During the 19th century the growth of official data was continuous and numerical statements accordingly began more and more to displace the verbal descriptions of early days.
7انیسوی صدی عیسوی میں شماریات اپنے مفہوم کی بجائے ایک نئے مفہوم کے ساتھ ابھری اور یہ سائنس بادشاہوں کی سائنس کی بجائے اعدادو شمار کی سائنس کہلانے لگی۔


Introduction to Statistics
The Latin
The Italian
The German
The English
History of the word STATISTICS
1.The word “STATISTICS” which comes from the Latin word “Status” or the Italian word “Statista” or the German word “Statistik” these words mean “a Political State”.
1۔ شماریات لاطینی لفظ  سٹیٹس (status)  یا طالوی لفظ سٹیسٹا (statista)   یا جرمن لفظ سیسٹک (statistic)  سے اخذ کیا گیا ہے۔ معلوم ہو تا ہے مندرجہ بالا الفاظ کا اپنی زبان میں مطلب "سیاسی ریاست" ہے۔
2.The word statist is found in Shakespeare’s Hamlet (1602) , Act 5, Section 2 and Milton’s Paradise Regained (1671), which is used in the sense of a person who is well – versed in state matters, helping high state officers and framing Governments Policies.
سٹیٹسٹ کا لفظ شکسپیئر کے ڈرامے ہملٹ hamlet  اور ملٹن کی فردوس باز گشت  paradise regained  میں ایسے شخص کے لیے استعمال کئے گئے ہیں جو امور مملکت میں مہارت رکھتا ہے یوں وہ ملکی معاملات اور حکومت کی پالیسیوں کی تشکیل کرتا تھا۔
3.W.Hooper in 1770 used the word “Statistics” in his translation of “Elements of Universal “Erudition” a well known book of the ancient times which was written by Baron B.F.Bielfeld. One of its chapter is entitled “Statistics” and contains the definition of the subject as, “the science that teaches us what is political arrangement of all the modern stats of known word.”
3۔ شماریات کا لفظ سب سے پہلے بی ایف وان بیلفلڈ  کی  مشہور کتاب "ایلمنٹس کف یو نیورسل ایرو ڈیشن elements of universal erudition  میں استعمال کیا گیا ۔ اس کتاب میں شماریات سے مراد ایسا علم ہے جو ہمیں تمام دنیا کی معلوم شدہ ریاستوں کے سیاسی نظم و نسق سکھاتا ہے "
4.Also use this word “Statistics” the German professor Gottfried Archen wall in 1749, which mean political science”.
4۔ اسی طرح 1749 میں جرمن پروفیسر گوٹ فرائڈ آرچن وال نے "سیاسی ریاست" کیلئے استعمال کیا تھا۔
5.Mr.E.A.W.Zimmermann, a professor of Natural Philosophy, in 1787 at Brunswick defines the word “Statistics” in the preface to his book, “A political survey of the present state of Europe as that branch of political knowledge, which has for its object the actual and relative power arising from their natural advantages, the industry and civilization of their inhabitants and the wisdom of their Government”.
5۔ ضمیر مان جو طبعی فلسفے کے پروفیسر تھے انہوں نے 1787 میں لفظ statistics  کی تعریف اپنی کتاب "پولیٹیکل سروے آف پریذینٹ سٹیٹ آف یورپ کی موجودو ریاست کا سیاسی جائزہ میں مندرجہ زیل طریقے سے کی۔۔ سیاسی علم کا وہ شعبہ جس کا مقصد مختلف جدید ریاستوں کی حقیقی طاقت (قدرتی وسائل ، صنعت و حرفت ، تیذیبو تمدن اور حکومت کے اصول ) معلوم کرنا ہے"
6.During the 18th century the word “Statistics” become more and more popular and began to be used the sense of numerical statements relating to state the Royal statistical society was founded in England in 1834.
6۔ اٹھارویں صدی کے دوران شماریات کا لفظ عام ہو گیا اور اسے حکومت کے ایسے بیانات کے لئے استعمال کیا جانے لگا جو اعداد شمار سے متعلقہ تھے۔ 1834 میں رائل سٹیٹسٹیکل سوسائٹی انگلینڈ میں قائم ہو ئی۔
7.During the 19th century the growth of official data was continuous and numerical statements accordingly began more and more to displace the verbal descriptions of early days.
7انیسوی صدی عیسوی میں شماریات اپنے مفہوم کی بجائے ایک نئے مفہوم کے ساتھ ابھری اور یہ سائنس بادشاہوں کی سائنس کی بجائے اعدادو شمار کی سائنس کہلانے لگی۔