Monday 24 October 2016


Statistics in the Present Time:
In present age, the statistics is regarded as the most important tool to makes certain decisions. There is hardly any field of activity, where statistics is not applied. Statistics helps us to from suitable policies and use than the other fields. Thus the increasing demand and decreasing cost of statistical give way to the growth of statistics.

Meaning of Statistics
Today statistics is the scientific study of handling quantitative information. It embodies-methodology of collection, classification, description, analyzing and interpretation of numerical data obtain through the experiment. So, Now a day the word “Statistics” is used in three different senses.
1.                 Singular sense. (Statistical Method)
2.                 Plural sense. (Narrow sense / Statistical data)
3.                  Technical sense (Plural of statistics)
1.   Singular sense. (Statistical Method)
In its singular sense, the word “Statistics” means the science of statistics which deals with statistical methods. In other words, statistics is a science in which we study as to how a numerical data is
a)                Collected.
b)                Presented.
c)                 Interpreted.
Here different statistical methods are applied before drawing any results.
i)                   Sampling.
ii)                Classification.
iii)              Measurement of averages.
iv)              Measurement of variability.
v)                Index number.
This definition is clear and concise. The data are collected to study a particular problem. The collected data in mass may be converted in the form of diagrams, graphs etc. according to this definition, there are four stages.
i)                   Collection of data.
ii)                Presentation of data.
iii)              Analysis of data.
iv)              Interpretation of data.
Collection of data:
The first step of an investigation is the collection of data. Careful collection is needed, because further analysis is based on this.
Presentation of data:
The collected data are to be presented in tabular or diagrammatic or graphic form. The data presented in a systematic order will facilitate further analysis.
Analysis of data:
After the presentation of data, the next step is to analyses the presented data. Analysis includes condensation, summarization, conclusion etc. through the means of measures of central tendencies, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis, correlation, regression.
Interpret the data:
Figures do not speak for themselves. The duty of the statistician is not complete with more collection and analysis of data. But valid conclusions must be drawn on the basis of the analysis. A high degree of skill and experience is necessary for the interpretation.
Correct interpretation leads valid conclusion.
Seligman’s defines, “Statistic is the science which deals with the methods of collecting, classifying presenting, composing and interpreting numerical data collected to throw light on any sphere of enquiry.”

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